Title: Advantages Of Outsourcing Infrastructure Management Services Word Count: 351 Summary: CSS infrastructure management solution goes beyond 24x7 monitoring to include proactive problem identification and resolution, thereby reducing costs and improving service levels. Keywords: Infrastructure Management, Enterprise It Support, Technology Operations Management, Infrastructure Management, It Infrastructure Outsourcing, Product Lifecycle Support, Consumer Support Solutions Article Body: Managing vital operational components, such as policies, processes, equipment, data, human resources, and external contacts, for a far-reaching effectiveness of an organization's information technology essentially constitutes infrastructure management services. Effective infrastructure management primarily ensures conformance to standards and interoperability between an organization’s internal and external entities, while enhancing the flow of information throughout the organization. It seeks to promote adaptability necessary for a changeable environment and maintain effective change management policies and practices. In-house infrastructure management is a complex, resource intensive and expensive proposition. Moreover it hurts core business of enterprises by taking their focus off the core businesses. According to a leading research & analyst firm, investments in infrastructure management constitute one of the single largest expenses for an organization. A growth in infrastructure scaling does not necessarily have to mean a growth in expenses. The 21st century has brought with it a smart way of business operations - outsourcing. Outsourcing, infrastructure management offers enterprise customers higher reliability, reduced risk, and lower IT costs through one-stop management for the entire IT infrastructure. Advantages of outsourcing infrastructure management services: • Reduces total cost of IT operations. • Restores focus of enterprises limited IT resources for core business activities. • Rationalizes IT staffing and training costs. • Optimizes IT asset utilization. • Facilitates service delivery. • Improves uptime and system availability. In a world where the budgets are always shrinking and expectations always rising a world class service partner with exceptional talent is required. CSS provides a complete portfolio of infrastructure management solutions and services for geographically distributed network resources, 24x7. Our infrastructure management solutions are based on an architecture that is open and scalable thus enabling easy integration of vendor or customer-supplied tools. CSS infrastructure management solutions for a broad spectrum of servers, storage, networks, security, databases, desktops, and applications CSS infrastructure management solution goes beyond 24x7 monitoring to include proactive problem identification and resolution, thereby reducing costs and improving service levels. Built-in root because analysis aids in easy identification of potential problems and automatically fix them before they affect performance. By automating corrective actions, IT organizations decrease problem resolution time and improve system availability and reduce downtime.